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Dental Benefits

Dental care benefits provide comprehensive dental services and supplies for plan members and their eligible dependants. The type and scope of dental services covered under a dental plan varies; however, dental care services are generally grouped into three major categories:



•Major restorative



Basic Services


Basic services include coverage for diagnostic and preventative treatments, such as dental examinations, x-rays, cleanings, topical application of fluoride, oral hygiene, fillings, scaling of teeth, tooth extractions, and periodontics services.


Major Restorative Services

Major restorative services include

coverage for dentures, crowns, inlays, on lays and bridgework.


Orthodontic Services


Orthodontic services include coverage for procedures and appliances, such as braces, wires, space maintainers and other mechanical aids required to straighten teeth and correct other defects.


The dental services are generally divided into several levels of coverage. At each level, a variety of plan design features, such as co-insurance, deductibles and maximums are available. Generally, the percentage reimbursement for Basic services is higher than the percentage reimbursement for Major Restorative and Orthodontic services.


Benefits received by your employee are Tax-free, and premiums paid by the Employer are tax deductible

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